
What is family? 

They say you don’t get to choose your family, and it is probably just as well.  No doubt if we could make that choice, most of us would be poorer for it.  The wealth of learning that is provided to us by our families is beyond measure.  If we could choose our siblings, we would not pick ones who teased us, fought with us, or caused any of the numerous travails that our birth siblings inflicted on us.  We would likely choose some hollow movie star types that are beautiful, and spend all their time telling us how wonderful we were.  The parents we chose would undoubtedly dote on us; showering us with expensive things and always granting our merest wish.  We would surely never choose parents who made us work hard for what we got, or siblings who forced us to compromise on everything from bathroom time to that last piece of cake in the box.  In part, we love our family for what they teach us (or, force us to learn).  And, we only appreciate them years later, when we come to understand what they have truly given us.

This site is dedicated to my family.  To those of you I get along with.  And, especially to those of you I don’t.  I appreciate you all.  I have learned from each and every one of you.  From the one whose nose I carelessly broke at age five, to the one who made me keep digging in that shit filled ditch, from the one whose Christmas cookies were to die for, to the one who dropped out of my life simply because of the color of our skin.  I love you all.  I thank you all.  This site is for you; Family.

John R Diehl

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